• Clinical Psychologist Sandton Johannesburg

Clinical Psychologist in Sandton Johannesburg

You probably reached this site in your quest to find a clinical psychologist in Sandton, Johannesburg. Consulting the right psychotherapist for you, has a significant bearing on what you accomplish from psychotherapy. Reasons for seeking psychotherapy are wide-ranging but broadly are motivated by a desire to address some aspect of life. 

Madeleine Kelly - Clinical Psychologist  

Madeleine offers: 

  • Psychotherapy designed to your specific emotional struggle.
  • Life experience and experience practicing as a psychologist since 1996.
  • Practical understanding and a wide knowledge of psychological theories.
  • A deep respect to each unique individual’s needs
  • An insightful, flexible, interactive safe therapeutic space 

Clients: Individuals over 14 years, couples and families

Specialty: Relationships: intimate, family, social and work related

Other: Personal growth, dissatisfaction, panic, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, crises management, bereavement and trauma

If you are contemplating psychotherapy you are welcome to browse through my website to see if you think you would be comfortable working with me. Please contact me should you have any queries.

to be nobody - but myself –
in a world which is doing it’s best,
night & day,
to make you everybody else –
means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight,
and never stop fighting
e. e. cummings

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